Putting together the perfect social marketing strategy.

Anyone in business knows the importance of marketing on social media platforms. Having access to customers increases sales, and this is not breaking news.

However, many business owners don't have a strategic plan mapped out, but this doesn't have to be the case. There are some simple things that anyone can do to create a comprehensive and effective social marketing strategy. Here's how to increase sales using social media platforms:

Creating Compelling Narratives

Tell a story. Who are you? What do you sell? Why do you sell it? How did you get started in your industry? What's your background? Answering these questions for your potential customers will help them to better connect with your brand.

Having a story for your audience—those (hopefully) buying your product or service—will allow them to engage with you and your brand on an emotional level, and the emotional construct of a compelling narrative, or mission statement, will draw a crowd to your business.


One of the best approaches to creating a narrative for your brand is to treat this endeavor like it's a college paper: outline, research, and edit and publish. Having this mindset will help you to combine important, relevant elements in a cohesive manner.

There's something powerful about putting your ideas on pen and paper. If nothing else, it will help you to better define your goals and your business' mission. This will grant you greater focus as you pursue growth.

Services such as Upwork supply relatively affordable options for hiring a professional copy editor, among other specialties.

Blogging (aka, Storytelling)

Once editing is complete, you're ready to release your vision to the world. So, where will you be putting all this awesome and inspiring content? Well, you should place it in several places, but firstly you should launch a blog.

Your blog will be the primary source for you to tell your story to others. Once you've developed a plan for your narrative, you can begin breaking your narrative into distinct points in the plot that hopefully leads to building your customer base.

Driving the Magic SEO Schoolbus

The best way to manage your blog is from your company's website, because this will be helpful in driving traffic to your site from other places on the web.

Your blog should be treated with the highest regard. Having helpful and lengthy content will improve your SEO. In addition, when you write posts, be sure to link to other popular sites. Using links to top-rated sites can help you rise to the top of Google's coveted search engine results.


Social Media and Marketing Dynamics

Be Helpful. Sounds simple, but this one tip can be one of the best ways to make yourself known without spending marketing dollars. Social media is the most modern ticket to accessing the masses, and building an active and effective social presence is downright essential for all businesses.

Choose 3-5 platforms to devote yourself to, and begin interacting with people: consider every interaction an attempt to assist and inform. Don't approach online conversations as a salesperson. Instead, take on the role of the expert.

Doing so will imprint memorable experiences on the minds of anyone asking for help or anyone reading your comments, tweets, answers, and so on.